"Observatory for Ideas – 2D" Association
develops and implements ideas in the field of development and preservation of spiritual values, science, culture, technology, and environmental protection.
Our goal is to help people with the realization of their ideas and together to make Bulgaria a better place to live.
"Observatory for Ideas – 2D" Association is a voluntary independent non-profit association for community service, uniting its members in the development and implementation of ideas for the development and preservation of spiritual values, science, culture, technology, and environmental protection through organizing experience exchange and raising public awareness about such activities. Our association is fully independent.
"Observatory for Ideas – 2D" Association consists of young dynamic Gabrovians and Bulgarian citizens, united behind the common cause of forming an idea hub in order to support people with ideas for implementing alternative projects in the field of science, technology, arts, etc., preserving Bulgarian lifestyle and culture, spirituality and self-awareness.
1. Development of alternative ideas in science and technology, particularly related to commissioning various types of energy sources.
2. Cooperation with national organizations and offices, thus ensuring the stability of the foundations of such ideas and activities and providing opportunities for experience dissemination.
3. Preservation of Bulgarian lifestyle and culture, spirituality and self-awareness.
4. Implementation of innovative ideas for environmental protection and repairing existing damages.
5. Development of activities in organic farming – preservation of the natural relationship between soil, plants, animals and humans.
In the course of development of "Observatory for Ideas – 2D", we are planning to expand the scope of activities in the future. By gaining experience in the development of our idea center, we will be able to support people from other Bulgarian towns in the establishment of such idea hubs (centers).
We firmly believe that this builds the foundation of sustainable and prosperous civil society.